Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessment & Therapy

ASD is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects social interaction, communication, and behavior. It is referred to as a "spectrum" because it presents in diverse ways, with varying levels of support needs. Some individuals may require minimal assistance, while others experience more significant challenges in daily life.

At Inner Eastern Psychology, some psychologists are experienced in ASD assessment and / or treatment, please contact our Support Team to find out more.

Key Characteristics of ASD

  • Difficulties with social communication

    • Challenges in understanding social cues, body language, and conversational nuances, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.

  • Repetitive behaviors and routines

    • A preference for structure, predictability, and specific interests.

  • Literal thinking

    • A tendency to interpret language literally, which can sometimes result in communication difficulties.

  • Challenges in forming and maintaining relationships

    • Social interactions may feel overwhelming or confusing.

  • Variability in presentation

    • ASD manifests uniquely in each individual, with different combinations and intensities of traits.

Diagnostic Assessment

Formal diagnosis of ASD requires comprehensive clinical evaluation involving structured interviews, standardized assessments, and likely consultation appointments. Assessments can be provided for both adults and children.

You can read more about the importance and structure of assessment here.

Diagnosis and Support

Some individuals with ASD may reach adulthood without a formal diagnosis. Understanding their neurodivergence later in life can provide clarity and open pathways to tailored support.

While ASD is not a condition that requires a "cure," interventions can be valuable in helping individuals develop skills and coping strategies.

Support may include:

  • Social skills training

    • To enhance understanding of social expectations and interactions.

  • Communication strategies

    • To navigate conversations and express thoughts effectively.

  • Routine and flexibility coaching

    • To support adaptability in different environments.

If you are interested in consulting with a psychologist experienced in Autism Spectrum Disorder, please contact us to help you find a clinician who is suitable for your needs.